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Authorised Dealer & Stockists of Music Man Guitars and Bass's

 In the early 1960's a Music shop in the UK was a vastly different place to the music shops & stores now, in the 21st century.  In the first instance back then music shops were far & few between. In many cases only the odd one or two in major cities. Choice of Amps, Guitars etc was not great but as the pop revolution moved forward  so did the range of Guitars & Amps available in the store's  The real thing about those old Music Group gear Shops was that they were generally run by Musician's and a meeting place for musician's.  A place where you could go for a Chat, a Coffee, Advice & to find a new band member when you needed one!! They were also places to find New & Used  Valve Guitar Amps such as Selmer, Vox,  Watkins, Marshall, Carlsbro, Hiwatt, Laney,  Matamp, Orange, Park, Sound City, Vamp, & many many More.!!!    

 Here at  Amps-n-Bits  it's just like stepping back in time  35 years  Not only in the style & decor of the store but in the way it is run and the friendly attitude afforded to all,  you will find also find a great selection of Vintage British Valve, (tube)  Amp Heads, Combo’s, Tape Echo Units, Spares, Parts etc.  95% of the stock is Vintage or Used  all at value for money Price's. Plus a few selected value for money new items i.e,  Strings, Accessories, Plus some ex demo & slightly soiled new items at great prices Plus the legendary  MUSIC MAN  Guitars.

 At Amps-n-Bits we offer a variety of used spare parts, along with some NOS  & used Valves - Tubes, Mullard, Brymar, Tungsram etc. Speakers Chassis/Frames, Celestion, Fane, Goodman, etc. Original used vintage as well as English Re-cones. Adding to the inventory as often as possible. At Good Honest & Affordable prices, 

 If Amps-n-Bits don't have what you are looking for, Ask & we might be able to find it for you!.         


 Amps-n-Bits can supply original British vintage used speakers Celestion, Fane, Goodmans, etc or  supply original British specification re-cones to the highest standards. Amps-n-Bits  have a vast stock of original used vintage British speakers. Celestion and Fane 12 inch speakers are without doubt the most popular vintage speaker with both Collectors &  Guitarists alike.


 All  Amps-n-Bits  Vintage equipment & items be they speakers, cabs, amplifiers, combos, amp tubes etc are expertly packed & shipped with full covering insurance. Over the many years of National & International shipping we have not had a single item damaged, lost or returned  All Vintage equipment has stood the test of time and we do not relish their possible damage in transit - our specialty in packaging is second to none.




OK.  I must apologize to you all, as these pages are taking a lot longer to complete than expected.  This is because I have been working non stop on the extension to the   Amps-N-Bits  Store situated 11A & 11B Coronation Buildings.  Brougham Road. Worthing. West Sussex. BN11 2NW.  ENGLAND  and  not given hardly anytime recently to the completion of this site. 

I do intend to get some more product up here very soon. 

Please email me via the contact page, if you have any enquiry's 

Check out a few pictures of the store Below.

This is just a fraction of the Vintage Amps, Cabs, Combo's, Speakers, F/X, Guitars,  Spares & Parts, Etc in the Store !!

+44 (0)1903 610919

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